Local Lodge 1217
Local Lodge 1217 has 100 active members. Our monthly meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month at Fast Freddies in New Richmond, WI. Second shift meets at 2:15 p.m. and first shift meets at 3:15 p.m.
2005 Officers and Steward
President..................Robert Plecko
Vice President............
Recording Secretary... Gene Mireau
Financial Secretary......Al Kelly
Conductor-Sentinel......Orlo Coleman
Trustees....................Larry Karr,
Bob Plecko
Communicator.............Gene Mireau
Educator..... ..............
Distict Delegates.........Gene Mireau, Dennis Holtz, , Larry Suennen(ALT),
Stewards....Plant One Days
Gene Mireau (cheif),
2nd shift....Dave Gergen
Plant Two Days
George Dean (cheif)
Business Representatives
Distrcit 77
Gary Schmidt(Directing BR), Steve Galloway, Don Yettman, and Julie Anderson